League of Legends Support Tier List – Top Support Heroes

League of Legends Support Tier List – Top Support Heroes ;The supporting role in League of Legends can often be a thankless job. A good boost can go relatively unnoticed during gameplay, but playing poorly will set you mercilessly inflamed.

Support types in League can be divided into three categories: Mages, marksmen, and poke supports. While there are some champions that fall into more than one category, it's a fairly safe golden triangle to cross.

witch aids, Soraka or a Nami like, focuses on keeping the bot lane alive throughout the lane phase with heals and shields. Mage supports usually go well with poke supports because they can sustain poking, but they struggle with engaged ones due to their lack of mobility and relative softness.

Alistar or a Leona Activate boosts such as, control everything in the enemy bot lane with crowd control and high early game damage during the lane phase. Since they're not wind-up, they can take advantage of mages during the laning phase, but can't deal effectively with poke buffs as they lighten your health before you even think about interacting.

Zyra or a Brand Poke boosts like nudge boosts succeed by distracting enemy lanes as much as possible with long-range abilities, forcing them to waste their potions or heals. If an enemy is greedy, their kit also has a decent amount of explosions to wipe them out of Summoner's Rift. As such, they can deal with engagement boosts, but wizards can often neutralize their poke by maintaining the mana pool of a poke buff.


League of Legends Support Tier List - Top Support Heroes
League of Legends Support Tier List – Top Support Heroes


  • versatile kit
  • Lantern acts as a means of engagement or escape for teammates
  • Flexible build path


  • Close fight
  • No escape ability

Thresh will always be one of the best supports in League. The Death Sentence hook never goes out of meta as it can instantly change the flow of a game. His early lane damage with Flay makes it nearly impossible to trade with him while he can save allies with a well-timed flashlight.

Picking up Boots of Mobility and any of the newly released Mythic items can have a huge impact on the map. You get most of these, so it's up to the game situation to see which item works best for you.

Item build

The Resolve tree is very important in Thresh because it makes you more tanky, which is very important for any melee support. Aftershock gives you additional armor and magic resistance when you throw some crowd control at an enemy you have plenty in your kit.

As with any melee support, you will have trouble getting turrets, but Demolish is here to help. It gives you early tower plates and additional income to your ADC if you get close to the enemy tower. Along with Overgrowth's objectives, Bone Plating gives you additional health as the game progresses, making it harder for assassins and to kill during the lane phase where you're vulnerable.

The Inspiration tree provides a slightly earlier boost through the Biscuit Delivery rune, and additional items and summoner spell rush are always welcome.

Ability priority

Thresh's ability priority: R> Q> E> W. Q's reduced cooldown will allow you to pick targets more often or keep a tank locked for longer. E max over W gives you additional damage and more opportunities to negate attacks or get targets closer to have your teammates deal damage to them.

game plan

Thresh is a melee support that excels at locking targets and scavenging his jungler from the fog of war for a surprise gank, or recovering the item he's carrying from a dive with a well-timed flashlight. Its purpose is to engage most of the time, but in team fights, you have to analyze whether it's a good idea to aim or if it's a good idea to be the person you're carrying needs. A well-timed ultimate alongside flay and hook will ensure your cars survive longer and deal the damage you need to win teamfights.

Always try to navigate and assist your top and mid lane players to ensure they get enough support from you to allow them to snowball and carry the game. Don't forget to share your game plan with your jungler to make sure you're on the same page. This will help you win more games in the long run.


League of Legends Support Tier List - Top Support Heroes
League of Legends Support Tier List – Top Support Heroes


  • Fun game
  • Low cooldown draw feature
  • breaking shields


  • Close fight
  • High mana cost

Blitzcrank has always been popular in singles due to its basic hook ability. However, the recent resurgence of support champions that rely on shields has made Blitzcrank even more popular for his ability to destroy shields with his abilities.

It also makes a great counter against squishy champions, as a well-timed hook can wipe them out and turn the tide of a fight in your favor.

Item build

Unraveling the tree is very important to Blitzcrank because it makes him stronger, which is very important for melee support. Aftershock gives you additional armor and magic resistance when you throw some crowd control at an enemy with your Q or E and is easy to activate.

As with any melee support, you will have trouble getting turrets, but Demolish is here to help. Allows you to get early tower plates if you get close to the enemy tower. The goals of Bone Plating and Overgrowth are to give you additional health as the game gets longer and make it harder for you to die for assassins and during the lane phase.

The inspiration tree provides a slightly earlier boost via the Biscuit Delivery rune, and a rush of additional items is always welcome. You'll also be able to use your items and summoner spells more often, basically offering two awesome things combined into one rune.

Ability priority

Blitzcrank's skill priority R> Q> W> E'is First up is Max Q, the lower the cooldown, the more often you can play games that decide the game with Blitzcrank. Blitzcrank's Q can win or lose the game instantly. If you connect an ADC, your team will be happy. But if you commit to a federal Renekton, your team may have trouble keeping track of the engagement. Be careful with how you use it, though, as it is the ability to decide the game.

W is max per second for mobility. Max E lasts as it doesn't increase the power too much at all levels, making it less useful compared to Q and W.

game plan

As a melee support, you want to be careful during the lane phase. Try to take down a few hooks and punish the enemy to the bottom lane when they go to the farm. With Blitzcrank you're weak against ranged champions because you don't have persistence and a small passive shield on a high cooldown - so every little glitch adds up.

As the game progresses, invest in the vision as much as you can and look for hooks on the map. If you see an overexpanded enemy in the middle or top lane, try to move around in that lane and snowball. Do not stay in your ADC for the entire lane phase as you can easily catch kills in other lanes if you take down a hook.


League of Legends Support Tier List - Top Support Heroes
League of Legends Support Tier List – Top Support Heroes


  • great launcher
  • innate stamina
  • There is crowd control


  • Close fight
  • Relies on following teammates
  • No ability to escape after entering battle

Leona is the epitome of the all-in-one champion. Once you're inside, you can't go back. You are dragged into battle with his Zenith Sword, and if it was a bad engagement, you pay the price. But its presence is formidable, and crowd control gives you the opportunity to keep enemies at a safe distance without moving them. Leona is the kind of support that can play lane both aggressively and defensively. Its presence in the lane can force enemy lanes to play safer.

Item build

Aftershock is an indispensable run for tank supports, especially those with no way out. Once inside, you have to dedicate yourself to your games. The amount of CC you have should lock a target and allow your team to detonate it. Demolish will help you get towers, while Overgrowth along with Bone Plating will make it harder for you to kill for the first few seconds of your skirmish. Secondary Inspiration helps you get an extra boost from biscuits and less cooldown for your abilities and summoners.

Ability priority

Leona's skill priority is: R> W> E> Q. His W is one of the most powerful basic abilities a tank can ask for. Grants damage reduction, armor, magic resist, and has enough damage for the lane phase as well. Maxing E seconds will allow you to hold your engagement tool on a lower cooldown. Q stays maxed as it doesn't reduce cooldown with levels. It only increases the damage that Leona is not missing.

game plan

Try to understand your match. If defensive, try to stay between your ADC and enemy support and ADC to allow them to mate safely. If it's an aggressive match, try to look for ways to catch them off guard and interact with them when they hit the final hit.

You must aim to reach level six as soon as possible and look for ways to help your jungler get past other lanes or set up a gank in the bottom lane to secure a drake. In team fights, either be the initiator if necessary, or sit behind you and rob your carry-on by locking the divers.


League of Legends Support Tier List - Top Support Heroes
League of Legends Support Tier List – Top Support Heroes


  • great launcher
  • Powerful AoE control
  • innate stamina


  • High mana cost
  • Not good in close combat

Rell is the latest support addon for LoL. He has great form and is the dream of any interacting support player. It feels great to play and has a lot of benefits for his team. It works great in the current meta with launch tools. While they do have some issues with mages, they are currently underrepresented due to the power the supports have.

Item build

The Resolve primary tree is the core of the tank engagement supports. Aftershock is the best keystone as it allows you to take more damage in the first few seconds after a collision. Unflinching will give you additional Stamina and Slow Resistance, while Shield Bash will allow you to apply a bit more pressure during the lane phase as well as Bone Plating.

Inspiration secondary is designed to give you more stamina in lane and increase your mana cap as your mana costs are high. Along with Cosmic Insight, Biscuit Delivery are the best runes to get in your games. Increased summoner enchantment and item rush will allow you to engage more often.

Ability priority

Rell's skill priority is R > W > E > Q. You want to maximize your W ability early as it's the main crowd control and defensive spell, allowing you to piss off your opponents during the laning phase. Next, you'll want to maximize E for additional magic resist, armor, and reduced cooldown to stun enemies more often. Q is maximized last as its utility is lower compared to W or E.

game plan

Look for ways to attack enemy corridors when they want to last hit the ball minions. They will focus on getting it and may not be prepared for you to interact. At the start of the fight, try to use Shield Bash for additional burst damage. You can dominate the lane phase by crashing into enemy lanes frequently. You should spam your W on cooldown to control enemy lanes and get early leaderboards.

In teamfights, use your E on allies that give you a chance to stun as many opponents as possible. Then you can track your final status to give your team enough time to damage the opposing team. Try to provide good map coverage throughout the game to make sure you can navigate to undisputed targets. While going offensive games is generally a good tactic for winning teamfights, try to rob your allies if they are overwhelmed by assassins or backline divers and have to flee.

Switch to the Oracle Lens mid-game and have a sight ward around key targets like the Baron or dragons to see if the enemy wants them, so you can crash into them.


League of Legends Support Tier List - Top Support Heroes
League of Legends Support Tier List – Top Support Heroes


  • Strong crowd control
  • Very durable due to the ultimate


  • High mana cost
  • Close fight
  • Can't escape war easily

Alistar has become one of the strongest supports lately, thanks to his innate stamina due to crowd control and ultimate. He's a great blind pick champion as he makes use of most of the new Mythic items and can withstand most cordons in the current meta.

With many support players prioritizing Leona, Nautilus, and Blitzcrank in their game, Alistar can be a great opponent to help you get into the bottom lane by getting a great response when enemies try to collide. You can easily stop them on their way and give your carrier enough time to walk to a safe location.

Item build

The resolution primary tree is the core of the tanked engagement supports. You want to go for Aftershock for the added stamina it provides to keep you alive long enough for your team to support you. Destruction is taken for you to snowball tower plates, Conditioning for additional armor and magic resist later in the game, and Extreme Growth to increase your overall health pool.

Inspiration secondary is designed to give you access to Hexflash so you can interact from unusual angles while your Flash is on cooldown; Cosmic Insight gives you more frequent access to your summoner spells and items.

Ability priority

Alistar's skill priority R> Q> W> Eis . Q maxes out first, as it's the most effective ability in your kit and affects multiple enemies by knocking them up more often. W maxes out second as it activates your WQ combo and requires reduced cooldown to land your Q. E is top notch as its effect is delayed and predictable, allowing enemies to escape easily.

game plan

Alistar is one of the strongest tank champions in the game and can bring a lot of benefit to his team even without any items. Her ultimate allows you to survive for a long time against most champions that aren't a real source of damage. Previously, aim to land WQ combinations on the opposite bottom lane to get favorable trades. Before interacting, remember that you don't have a separation tool. If you do these types of trades, make sure your health pool allows it.

As the game progresses, aim to move around other lanes by putting vision around the map to give your allies ways to see if any enemies are looking for gank. Tackle overextended opponents to kill and help your team snowball. Always have a vision ward in your inventory to ensure you can target at any time by rejecting your opponents' vision.

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