League of Legends Adc Tier List – Top Adc Heroes

League of Legends Adc Tier List – Top Adc Heroes ; Some champions in League of Legends are much stronger than others.

your league or ADCThere are several types of champions to play for marksmen and snipers of the . There are attack speed-focused hypercars like Jinx and Tristana, and there are face-melting high early damage carriers like Draven and Jhin. Fortunately, the current ADC meta allows players to choose whatever suits their tastes as they are mostly all mostly viable at the moment.

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League of Legends Adc Tier List – Top Adc Heroes

This list of top champions can be affected by many things. Sometimes the meta changes for no apparent reason other than players' tastes, but usually there's some sort of balance shift behind it.


League of Legends Adc Tier List - Top Adc Heroes
League of Legends Adc Tier List – Top Adc Heroes


  • mixed damage
  • Invisibility
  • Good performance in late game


  • low range
  • If it's behind it's hard to go back

Kai'Sa is back in the meta after the last item rank rework. He gets a lot of use out of the new items, especially Guinsoo's Rageblade, which converts critical chance into bonus on-hit damage.

Kai'Sa can develop AP, AD, or attack speed and remain active as long as she builds them in the right scenarios. For example, plain AP is best used for reliable burst damage, but depending on criteria for full AD and critical, high-risk, high-reward bursts. Attack speed and attack speed hybrid builds work best against teams with tons of tanks. They revealed the most consistent and reliable DPS due to the true damage passive.

Item build

It is the Hail of Blades from the tree of domination. It allows you to quickly trade with the opposite bottom lane without exposing yourself too much. Along with the Ravenous Hunter, Taste of Blood will assist you with additional buffs both in and out of lane. The Eyeball Collection is removed from the second row as it is the easiest to stack to get extra AD.

Secondary tree Presence of Mind and Certainty for Myth: Bloodline. Both of these runes aim to address two of your core weaknesses, mana and lifesteal, something you can't get with itemization.

Ability priority

Kai'Sa's skill priority: R> Q> E> W. You want to maximize Q as quickly as possible so that you can collect waves efficiently and poke enemies when needed. You want to maximize E seconds to get invisibility when upgraded, as well as a reduced cooldown for the attack speed steroid, making you slick in teamfights. The damage per level from W isn't as high and effective as the other two abilities, so you max it out last.

game plan

Kai'sa Your overall goal is to reach your power boost and then help your teammates aim. Your power boost occurs when you gain enough AD, AP, or attack speed to upgrade your abilities, giving you additional damage or benefit.

During the lane phase, you need to focus on trading well for you and your teammate. Use Hail of Blades on cooldown to get effective trades, and be sure to activate Taste of Blood on cooldown to help you have a better lane tier.

Once you're out of the laning phase with your Guinsoo's Rageblade, keep up with the farm and make sure you stay with your team for neutral target. When you use Rift Envoys for early golden leaders or Baron to flank the enemy, they will be the key to your victory. As the game progresses and gets stronger, remember to stay with your team to avoid being caught and killed by enemy decomposers before your team helps you.


League of Legends Adc Tier List - Top Adc Heroes


  • rewarding gameplay
  • Flexible build path
  • Liquid, synergistic kit


  • Skillshot dependent
  • Needs time to scale

Ezreal one of the best ADCs in solo and competitive play right now. It has a high skill cap that allows you to easily distinguish a professional Ezreal player from your Gold rank teammate in a single queue game.

Its latest revamp makes Ezreal a great choice in the current meta. It can adapt its rendering path to the current game situation and can be a major source of damage throughout the overall game. It's one of the most rewarding ADCs to play, as the champion has a high skill cap and allows you to carry games alone once you master them.

Item build

The base Ezreal tree is Precision due to the large number of useful runes it has. Conqueror allows you to take a lot of additional damage and healing when fully stacked. Presence of Mind gives you additional mana regen, Legend: Bloodline is for sustaining you to keep you healthy before you get your lifesteal items, and Cut Down helps you deal with tanker champions.

The secondary Sorcery tree gives you additional skill rush. Manaflow Band gives you additional AD through Muramana and ensures you never run out of mana. But if you need more stamina early on, opt for the free Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery rune from the Inspiration tree.

Ability priority

Ezreal's ability priority: R> Q> E> W. Because it reduces other cooldowns when a target is hit, their Q needs to be maxed out first regardless of AD / AP build. Farming is your bread and butter ability to practice and help you procure your Sheen item. E is maxed out in seconds after Q as mobility is much more important than additional damage scaling from W.

game plan

Ezreal is one of the strongest midgame ADCs. To get to the middle of the game, you must have a simple game plan. Farm efficiently during the lane phase to purchase Manamurne and a Sheen item like Trinity Force or Essence Reaver. Once Manamurne transforms into Muramana in around 20 minutes and the Sheen item is complete, you are at your strongest point in the game.

Your goal at this stage is to group up with your teammates and push for goals. You will drop compared to other ADCs, but you will be a reliable damage dealer even in the later stages of the game. Don't forget to auto-attack between your abilities to maximize your damage output.

Try to keep a safe distance from enemies and kill them accurately to ensure you deal as much damage as possible. Other great items to pick up next include Ravenous Hydra and Serylda's Grudge. They will increase your strength and help you keep up with other meta ADCs.


League of Legends Adc Tier List - Top Adc Heroes


  • Desired properties
  • powerful kit
  • Fun game


  • Still
  • Weak against tanks

Jhin is one of the best ADCs to grace the Rift. She's seen more action lately because Caitlyn, an easy-going champion, has become more popular in both solo and pro play.

While Jhin does suffer from some weaknesses on his set, such as no survivability or dash, he is fun and entertaining to play with. His kit complements his personality perfectly and creates an overall interesting playstyle.

Item build

There were several suitable skill trees for Jhin, but most players use the Precision primary tree because of Fleet Footwork. This keystone is precious to Jhin and gives him the mobility he needs along with a minor healing with it. As Jhin is considered a player ADC, Mind Presence is taken to counter any mana issues. Myth: Bloodline acts as a defensive option, while Coup de Grace takes that last hit for massive critical damage.

The most selected secondary rune page is Sorcery, thanks to the Nimbus Cloak. Without any movement abilities on Jhin's set, he is at the mercy of movement speed buffs, which he can pass through the Nimbus Cloak or allied buffs. Gathering Storm is taken throughout the game to improve its scaling.

Ability priority

Jhin's skill priority R> Q> W> Eis . Q is one of the most powerful basic abilities in the right hands. Use near low-health minions to take more damage before jumping on an enemy champion. This early-game spell can win you the lane stage on its own if you use it right.

W is maxed out second to increase your burst damage, while E maxes out as it is the hardest enchantment to land and the easiest enchantment for enemies in your set to evade.

game plan

Jhinis one of the most powerful ADCs in the game, but needs items to be perfect. Its base build is Stormrazor, Rapidfire Cannon and Infinity Edge. This combination will allow him to melt down enemies in team battles. Therefore, you should play as safe as possible during the lane. Do not make negative trades. Try getting a combo from your Q and W, then land some free cars on the pinned target for maximum damage.

In team battles, your goal is to stay around your team. Try to start or finish people with your ultimate power and then follow the cars from a safe distance. Always track your location, especially if you're playing against mobile assassins who can wipe you out in less than a second.


League of Legends Adc Tier List - Top Adc Heroes


  • easy to play
  • good at the end of the game


  • High mana cost
  • no limit

Sivir is one of the easiest ADCs to play in the lower lane, thanks to its simple kit that doesn't require you to play crazy games to be useful. The ripple clarity is great and can help stall games where you might be left behind until you get more items. On top of that, its proportions make it a great contender for one of the best endgame ADCs because once you get enough items you can easily melt conversations.

Item build

In the past, Precision was the base tree for Sivir. Today, however, a build that spawns with Manamune and Duskblade sees the Domination tree as Sivir's primary choice. You can access Dark Harvest and Eyeball Collection for additional damage and Taste of Blood and Ravenous Hunter for additional healing. The secondary tree, Sorcery for Transcendence and Manaflow Band are two great runes that solve your mana issues and give you additional ability rush.

If you still feel like you need more attack speed, you can forgo Domination and revert to the traditional Vulnerability tree for runes like Lethal Tempo, Presence of Mind, Legend: Alacrity, and Cut Down.

Ability priority

Sivir's skill priority: R> Q> W> E. Q is your primary ability to deal damage and poke enemies. As a result, you want to maximize as quickly as possible. W max per second for added wave clarity that will allow you to propel waves quickly. E is your only defensive ability and allows you to block important spells your opponents are trying to land on you. However, since it has no damage, it is maxed out last.

game plan

sivir, is one of the safest ADCs in League as you can easily collect waves and scale to later stages of the game. As a result, you want to play passively during the lane phase and avoid going for aggressive play unless the enemy is too large. By doing this, you will have a clear win condition after receiving power-up items like Manamune and Duskblade.

Once you have these items, you can group up with your team and use your maximum movement speed to quickly engage unaware enemies. Try to use your spell shield for key abilities that could CC you, as one misstep can be the difference between a won or lost game.


League of Legends Adc Tier List - Top Adc Heroes


  • Max health, true damage
  • Stealth
  • Active


  • low range
  • It takes time to open.

Vaynehas returned from the ashes to take its place in the meta after recent health buffs. It's been a risky choice in the past, but the added lane phase power should make it a more frequent choice.

Recent item changes have provided many viable options that allow flexibility in the way you build, unlike where you have to rush the same item in every game. With a huge selection of powerful tanks in the current meta, Vayne is a great answer to them.

Item build

There are many applicable rune structures for Vayne. One of the most popular focuses on Vulnerability as the core tree, with Domination as the secondary tree. Glory and Legend: Sensitivity is taken for the keystone Press Attack, which along with Attack Speed ​​makes your trading significantly better, making your attacks more fluid while helping you survive low health encounters. Coup de Grace acts as a finisher and is most effective during the lane phase in general.

The Secondary Domination tree will give you more sustainability in the long run through Taste of Blood and Ravenous Hunter to ensure you can easily get your base items and become the ADC your team needs.

Ability priority

Vayne's skill priority R> W> Q> E is You want to maximize your on-hit passive as quickly as possible to increase your damage output. Both Q and E feel inadequate since you don't get a lot of AD early on. Regardless, if you're using the ultimate you'll want to maximize Q seconds due to the reduced cooldown on dash and stealth. If you're going for an AD oriented build you can switch to Q max instead of W first, but going for an AS build is better in the long run.

game plan

Vayne is a hypercar ADC that excels no matter how long the game lasts. You'll be bullied by numerous lanes, but that shouldn't scare you off to choose Vayne in the current meta. If you gain a small lead early, you can snowball and then easily take over the game.

When you get your first Mythic item like the Krakenslayer or Immortal Shieldbow, you'll be a force to be reckoned with, so it's important to reach this tier without putting yourself at too much risk. Aim to trade well early while ensuring you have enough farms. As the game progresses, take a look at which opponents are the biggest threat and try to defeat them in teamfights using stealth as your ultimate strength. However, if you can't eliminate them, try to play without exposing yourself to team fights.

League of Legends Adc Tier List – Top Adc Heroes This is our list for now. Stay tuned for our other lists and articles.

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