League of Legends Jungle Tier List – Best Jungle Heroes

League of Legends Jungle Tier List - Best Jungle Heroes

League of Legends Jungle Tier List – Best Jungle Heroes ;

Some champions in League of Legends are much stronger than others.

For junglers, there are many things to consider when weighing which champions are better. The most important thing to look at, and the most obvious, is whether the champion would be good at ganking and securing kills or assisting their teammates while doing so. Behind the scenes, though, there's where things get complicated.

Net speed, invasion pressure, and macro mobility are factors to consider to keep up with the enemy jungler. The best jungle champions are those who can do it all.

This list of top champions can vary depending on many things. Sometimes the meta changes for no apparent reason other than players' tastes, but usually there's some sort of balance update, minor or major, behind the sudden change. It can be difficult to keep track of the flavor of the month, so let's do it for you.

Here is our current tier list for League of Legends' best jungle champions. Top jungle heroes 2021

League of Legends Jungle Tier List – Best Jungle Heroes



  • global final
  • Impressive even after death
  • Good source of magic damage in AD compound


  • Needs time to scale
  • Cannot appeal to early targets

Karthus is one of the best ability power junglers to complete a full AD comp. This is mostly thanks to the utility in its kit as well as its slow and global ultimate.

Karthus is a powerful farmer who gives a quick clearing of the jungle, has almost no cooldown on his Q. But he is more mana-hungry and struggles with early moves.

He argues loudly because of his ability to reverse fights with his ultimate strength. Recent interest in other popular AP champions has made Karthus a great choice once again.

Item build

The Dominion tree is important to Karthus. Dark Harvest synergizes well with Karthus' ultimate, giving you access to additional damage from the Cheap Shot and Eyeball Collection, while making you healthier than the Ravenous Hunter. Strike secondary is great on Karthus because Coup de Grace increases your ultimate damage directly to low health targets and Mind Presence increases mana regen to allow you to use E more often.

Ability priority

Karthus' ability priority is R > Q > W > E. Your Q is your primary damaging tool in both jungle and teamfights. Learn how to aim with it to maximize damage output on a single target so you can zone key moves in a teamfight. Max W seconds since width increases with level. While E's damage is good, the slow benefit is much more useful, allowing you to get into range or dodge much more easily.

game plan

Karthus is a powerful farmer who must reach level 6 as soon as possible in order to influence the game. While his early game isn't the worst, he definitely needs items and levels to progress. Don't look for competition targets until level six because you will most likely be dead and behind and also give the enemy an advantage.

After reaching the sixth level, watch the map and look for the lowly alive enemies to finish them off. Remember not to waste it, as it has a high early cooldown. Use only for guaranteed kills. Keep farming as the game continues. Don't focus on ganking too much as it can be telegraphic. Try to mate, get items and use your ultimate cooldown for kills.

Avoid posting final players in the later stages of the game unless you're sure you won't be interrupted. If you want to deal as much damage as possible, you can take a moment to the opposing team, then detonate Zhonya, and then after he kills you, activate your ultimate for lots of area-of-effect damage.



  • Active
  • tanky
  • Unwanted crowd control


  • Needs good damage sources to be viable
  • their movements are predictable

Udyr has become one of the most popular junglers in recent weeks. He has a great all-round form that can keep up with the more popular junglers in the current meta. Udyr is very durable, mobile, and has an undesirable crowd control that can suit any combination with his Bear Form. His biggest weakness is his telegraph playstyle, as he has to go near his opponents to deal damage and stun them. As a result, opponents with some experience can blow you away and prevent you from doing your damage or crowd control.

Item build

There are many viable builds for Udyr, but the most chosen one is the kite version with the Sorcery tree as the main tree due to Phase Rush. It gives you crazy kite potential and is easy to handle. The Sorcerer's Speed ​​and Water Walk make you faster and much harder to catch. While some champions can't escape with such a rune style, Udyr's set has more than enough damage to make up for undamaged runes. Your kit's base damage is more than enough, and the added mobility is much more useful.

The secondary tree is Precision due to Legend: Alacrity, which gives you the most needed attack speed, and Triumph for cheeky low live games where you get out unscathed and gain extra gold.

Ability priority

Udyr's ability priority R> E> W> Q'Stop. Getting the R is a priority as it is your main form of domain damage. However, you can farm early and deal a lot of damage during your gank attempts. It also adapts very well to team fights. E max per second for additional movement speed and unit collision time. W is maxed out third for added stamina, and Q maxes out last due to its lower utility compared to other forms.

game plan

Udyr is one of the most mobile junglers in League due to his undesirable movement speed form. You can use this to move quickly around the map to counter the jungle or secure early leaders via Scuttle Crabs. If the enemies are over-expanding, you can punish them and increase your golden bullet.

Use the Waterwalk rune to your advantage and if someone comes to compete with the Scuttle Crab, fight in the river. Your runes are perfect for this type of fight early on, and you should win most of them without a hitch. Without items, your base damage is quite high and can allow you to destroy current popular junglers that dominate the Rift.

Once you've got your go-to and Mythic item, you should constantly aim to rob your opponents and protect neutral targets like the Rift Herald or dragons. For successful attempts at any action, be sure to carry a scavenger ward and use it to sharpen the view to dodge unexpected angles and secure undisputed targets. In team fights, try to use the Bear form to stun your opponents and be a good front for your team.



  • mighty duelist
  • easy to play
  • Has a basic ability with true damage


  • Predictable gameplay
  • no lines

Olaf benefited significantly from the item regen, making him one of the best junglers in the current meta. You don't need a lot of resources to be useful, and once you get your Mythic, you become a major threat. As soon as people realized how strong Olaf was, the striker sprang up overnight and everyone started outdoing him compared to the other junglers.

It is fairly easy to play and can be picked up by any player, including non-jungles, as the jersey is simple and does not require you to be mechanically skilled.

Item build

The best rune page is Precision primary with Inspiration as a secondary tree. Precision gives you access to Conqueror, one of the most powerful keystones in the game, giving you a lot of attack damage and healing while being easy to stack. Other great runes are Triumph to aid your low-life escapes, Legend: Alacrity to increase your attack speed, and Last Stand, which makes you deadlier the lower your health.

Inspiration is mostly drawn from speed bots that have additional movement speed as well as Approach Speed ​​to help you hit the targets you're chasing.

Ability priority

Olaf's skill priority R> Q> E> Wis . Maxing Q lets you farm camps easily and deal damage as often as possible. Picking up an ax reduces its cooldown, allowing you to spam it with no cooldown when it's maxed out and you're in a bit of a talent rush. E second to max for additional true damage, and W maxes last as the benefit of Q and E outweighs it.

game plan

Olaf is one of the best farmers in the jungle right now, allowing you to clear without a leash first while avoiding losing a lot of health. Along with the attack speed increase, the built-in boost allows you to destroy jungle camps and get stronger the lower your health. You can try to look for opportunities to grab lanes, but look for lanes that offer some crowd control. Without crowd control and items, it's pretty hard to kill early.

If you don't see such an opportunity, focus on getting the crabs in the river or the Rift Herald alongside the dragon for additional visibility. But don't forget to hold farming camps for gold income so that you can get your essential items as soon as possible.

When you buy a Legendary item like the Goredrinker, you will become an unkillable machine due to its permanence. Then you can group up for fights and aim to take towers or other targets to slowly form a leader to win the game.

While the game is in progress, try to provide good scope of vision for your team and act as a starter or back line defender.



  • Six abilities at the third level
  • Untargetable with spider form E
  • Powerful explosion damage


  • If it's behind it's hard to go back
  • Overshadowed by other meta foresters

Elise is one of the most popular AP junglers who excel at throwing snowballs early in the game. But if you can't snowball, you'll most likely end up becoming a crowd control robot.

Elise can use enemies starting at level three, where she can access three human-shaped abilities and three spider-shaped abilities. The ability to be untargetable allows early dives to low-health opponents while minimizing the risk of dying into a turret.

Item build

Elise uses the Domination tree. Matching well with Elise's burst damage, Electrocute gains access to additional damage from the Cheap Shot and Eyeball Collection. Brutal Hunter makes you mobile and allows you to navigate the map much faster.

Sorcery secondary blends well with Elise's aggressive playstyle. Nimbus Cloak lets you close the gap with enemies faster by hitting them, and Waterwalking lets you roam the river and race Scuttle Crabs early.

Ability priority

Elise's ability priority R> Q> W> E'is Your Q is your primary direct damage tool. It serves as a good starting tool when ganking to inflict maximum percent health damage, and acts as an execution when you get into spider form. W is maxed out second for additional burst damage, while E maxes out last as the bonus damage works better than the lower cooldown on your CC.

game plan

Elise is an aggressive jungler who must constantly focus on roaming the map and invading enemy jungler. Since you have six talents, you are very strong at an early age. Use this to your advantage and punish enemies that are out of position with quick raids and turret dives.

Compete early with Water Walk and Scuttle Crabs, which give you additional movement speed and ability power while in the river. Focus on maintaining an aggressive playstyle and constant raids. The moment you start focusing on the farm is when you lose the game.

Elise doesn't scale as well as other junglers, and you should keep that in mind if you want to go later in the game. Your goal is to establish an advantage early on and let your team carry the game. But if you can't establish an early lead, look for creative sides later in the game and avoid messing with your team as your utility won't be as high compared to other junglers. Using your crowd control to go to the flanks and surprise your enemies, you can win team battles and secure your way to victory.

League of Legends 11.6 Patch Notes



  • Invisibility on a short cooldown
  • High explosion damage
  • Can split push to big effect


  • Constant ganking is required to maintain relevance in the game
  • weak team fighter

While Shaco has quietly grown in popularity since Patch 11.2, other meta-jungles have been pissed off. A hardcore jungler who excels at attacking dormant champions and punishing their aggressive playstyle. While he's currently strong on new items, he needs to maintain a gank-focused gameplay to be useful. Later in the game, there could be an incredible splitpusher that knocks down towers in the blink of an eye.

Item build

The most successful rune page for Shaco is Domination primary with Precision as the secondary page. Domination gives you access to Hail of Blades as well as Sudden Impact, which is a major source of damage early on to the snowball. The Eyeball Collection will boost your attack damage every time you take it down, and Ravenous Hunter acts as a good source of support in the jungle early on.

The Secondary Vulnerability tree gives you access to Legend: Alacrity for more fluid auto-attacks and Coup de Grace for additional damage against low health targets.

Ability priority

Shaco's skill priority R> E> Q> Wis . You want to maximize your E first as it is your main source of damage in the jungle and during raids. Next, your priority is Q max for a lower cooldown in invisibility, allowing you to sneak behind enemies more often. W maxed last, thanks to your AD focused build, it won't do that much damage.

game plan

Shaco is an assassin jungler who focuses on ganking as often as possible and punishes overextended enemies. You will want to use a combination of Smite and Ignite in most of your games to have the kill pressure. Focus on crafting various lethality items to ignore the armor of squishy champions and wipe them from the Rift in the blink of an eye. Previously, with a little help from your lanes, you could make multiple jungle camps while boosting the enemy jungler and attack directly the second level in the unaware lanes or invade the enemy jungler.

With your Ignite, you should be able to pick out early kills easily due to the massive damage you take when enemies are low. If you don't succeed, but you force a summoner spell, try redoing the gank and punishing the dead enemy. As the game progresses, try to maintain relevance by constantly ganking opponents. Later in the game, look to the split to ambush your opponent's moves. Do not try to form groups just because you are a mediocre team warrior.