Elden Ring: How to Solve the Redmane Painting Puzzle?

Elden Ring: How to Solve the Redmane Painting Puzzle? The Redmane Painting puzzle in Elden Ring takes players to Caelid to find the original artist who depicted the Redmane Castle from afar.

Elden Ring'deki tables, It is a type of puzzle that sends players to find a specific spot in search of a special prize. For example, the Prophecy Painting of Stormveil Castle depicts the castle from afar, but not the original spirit artist Stormveil – they are located on a cliff overlooking Stormveil on the Weeping Peninsula.

Elden Ringone in table when you find it, first notice any special symbols or colors – the Redyele Chart depicts Redmane Castle beyond a crimson plain and under a blood-red sky that screams Caelid. The Ruins in the foreground are a dead giveaway of the solution, but you'll need to hone your Elden Ring parkour skills to get there.

Look for the Painting Behind the Rubble in Sellia

Redmane Painting Puzzle
Redmane Painting Puzzle

Sellia, the Sorcery Town, is a location in the center of Caelid, northeast of the Aeonian Swamp and just south of Greyoll's Dragon Chariot. The easiest way to get here is to pick up the Teleporter Trap in Limgrave's Dragon-Burn Ruins, which leads to the Sellia Crystal Tunnel below the city. Be careful when exploring the settlement as there are lots of invisible NPCs with quick uses.

Beneath the ledge of a building half buried behind a pile of bricks and a collapsed roof is the Redyele Table. It's hard to see in torrent running at top speed around town, so it's a good idea to slow down, fight several enemies at once to eliminate all threats, and search the table when you're sure you've won. Don't be bothered by a rogue Glintstone Pebble.

Elden Ring: Redmane Painting Puzzle Solution

in your inventory Redmane Painting when available, they can be referenced in the same tab that contains your notes and game tips. To find the original artist, you will need to leave the lower part of Caelid and go to Greyoll's Dragonbarrow. The easiest way to get here is to advance D's questline until he introduces you to the Beast Clergyman at Bestial Sanctum in the north of the area. Head south past Farum Greatbridge and pass the dragon until you reach Lenne's Rise, a wizard tower in the distance.

Take the spirit bow to the cliffs above and head east until you're about to pass the Minor Erdtree. Look at the edge of the cliff and you'll see a ledge stretching downward and a series of branches leading to a sleeping Golem. Descend to the highest point of the largest branch closest to the edge and carefully skip branches and pillars until you reach the bottom – some parts are actually easier with Torrent, but remember that sometimes it's better to close Torrent and respawn. Reorient yourself in tight spaces. At the bottom there is a ledge tilted to the side before the sleeping Golem. Redmane Table align with your position and eventually a spirit artist will emerge. For bows to players to solve this puzzle Ash of War: Rain of Arrows It is given.

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