Dying Light 2: How to Get Rich Fast | Quick Monetization

Dying Light 2: How to Get Rich Fast Quick Money Earning; Dying Light 2 wouldn't be a survival game if resources were plentiful. However, a certain technique allows players to load immediately.

Money, Dying Light 2′Solves all the problems in Anything that players cannot produce or find, they can usually find at a dealer. The problem here is that vendors sell their best products for a few hundred coins, and a zombie wave is worth more than six currencies. for It can be killed and plundered without giving it away.

Players have come to expect survival games that deprive them of their resources. Dying Light 2For those who want to get through and don't feel like they're constantly bankrupt, there is a way for Aiden to get all the money he could want for the entire game in less than an hour.

Dying Light 2: How to Get Rich Fast | Quick Monetization

Wait Till Evening

Dying Light 2There are many reasons to wait for dark in , the simplest explanation is for players to experience combat and parkour. bonuses to receive. Also, there are more enemies roaming the streets, resulting in more corpses being looted.

But in this case, the reason you wait for nightfall to get rich is actually less zombies inside, and that's exactly where Aiden needs to go. Players have mixed feelings about the game, but they certainly can't argue that it's fun to coordinate time of day with quests.

Loot the Dark Hollow

On the map, there is a kind of loot There are a few blue signs that indicate it's there. However, most of these locations are for crafting parts or some other kind of resource. If the name of the game is cold, cash, be sure to raid Dark Hollow. These locations specifically contain extra valuables.

Those who take the Alder Windmill will have a Dark Hole near them. Ideally, players shouldn't need to stock up on items that restore immunity, as spending cash is the opposite of what's desired here. Loot everything and return to the nearest dealer before the infection starts.

Sell ​​and Repeat

After looting the area, turn to a dealer and sell everything listed as valuable. Valuables and coins in corpses should yield about a thousand coins, not taking into account all the other new gear and gear found. Best of all, this cycle takes no more than three minutes to complete.

Vendors probably have places to rest nearby. Sleep until the next dusk and then make the journey again. If players do this even for half an hour, they will be able to buy whatever they want for the rest of the game without worrying about money.


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