League of Legends 11.22 Patch Notes | League 11.22

League of Legends 11.22 Patch Notes | League 11.22 ; League of Legends' 11.22 patch cycle has begun! Here are the early patch notes, Yuumi nerf, Kanichen buff, and brand new Arcane Skins.

League of Legends 11.22 PBE patch notes leaked! Season 11 is almost over. It's Week 42 of the season and we've seen a lot of champion balancing, upgrades, and similar changes so far. Riot Games will release the last stabilizing patch of this season. Season 12Due to the arrival of , the developers want to adapt some champions and items to the new season. These champions include Kha'Zix, Renekton, Graves and more. Worlds 2021 Yuumi, who slapped professional players in the tournament, seems to be the focus of Riot this patch. If you want, let's take a look at what LoL 11.22 patch has heralded.

When Is League of Legends 11.22 Patch Released?

There are only a few patches left until the end of Season 11. LoL 11.22 patch ise It will be available to clients on Wednesday, November 3rd.. Ranked and regular game queues will be disabled for 3 hours when the new patch note is released.

Patch 11.22: Nerfs and Buffs

Kanichen Debuff & Buff

League of LegendsKanicen, one of the strangest items in , had been wreaking havoc in the top lane for a long time. It had this effect at the Worlds 2021 Championship as well, so the item was weakened. In this patch, Riot will change what they put on the item. overshot feature They have announced that they will take it back but will strengthen its core features.

Riot Phlox (Game Developer) stated that the item has almost no function in patch 11.21. That's why he said that little touches were made to take back the feature they gave and basically strengthen it.

Kanichen's health increased to 400>450, and Absolute Exploit rate increased to 8%>10%.

Yuumi Degeneration

Another case that players and spectators noticed at the Worlds was the loss of balance of the valley cat Yuumi. Yuumi, who was banned in almost every match in Iceland, was again the choice of the players in the matches where he was not banned. With a 53.3% win rate, the kitty looks like a solid nerf.

Game developers are targeting Yuumi's speed ratio from her "E" ability and healing power on champions.

LoL New Arcane and Glorious Skins

Riot Games LoL In patch notes 11.22 Arcane animated seriesalso takes it out. As such, the game Arcane costumes being brought. of the season glorious costume goes to Blitzcrank. As you know, glorious skins are given to players who finish the season in a Gold or higher league.

Glorious Blitzcrank

Arcane Jayce

Arcane VI

League of Legends 11.22 Patch Notes



  • Passive Damage 29-170 (+40% ability power) ⇒ 35-182 (+55% ability power)



  • Passive critical +30% damage ⇒ 20% damage



  • E ratio 60% ⇒ 70%


Kayn (Rhaast)

  • Q attack damage ratio 4%/100 ⇒ 6%/100
  • R max health 10% ⇒ 15%



  • Q bonus attack damage ratio 130% ⇒ 115%
  • Q isolated damage bonus 273% ⇒ 241.5%



  • Passive max health 7-15% ⇒ 5-15%.
  • W damage 70-230 ⇒ 60-220


My hatred

  • Max Health 590 ⇒ 520, health per level 90 ⇒ 110.
  • Q damage 60-160 (+90% bonus AD) ⇒ 50-170 (+80% bonus AD)
  • E damage 50-170 (+80% bonus AD) ⇒ 50-210 (+60% attack damage)



  • Back to patch 11.19



  • W damage 55-175 ⇒ 65-185.
  • E shield ratio 100% ⇒ 120%



  • E damage ratio 60% ⇒ 90%



  • E movement speed ratio 10%/100 ability power ⇒ 6%/100
  • Heal 70-210 (+40% ability power) ⇒ 70-190 (+35% ability power)




  • Health 400 ⇒ 450.
  • Absolute Exploitation 8% ⇒ 10%