Elden Ring: How to Obtain Magma Blade?

Magma Blade

Elden Ring: How to Obtain Magma Blade? ; Elden Ring's Magma Blade is a very powerful offensive tool, although players may need to farm for several hours to obtain one of these.

Magma Blade The Elden Ring is an extremely powerful curved sword that scales primarily with dexterity, faith, and strength. As the name of the weapon suggests, this sword deals fire damage and the Magma Shower weapon ability, which releases ground-damaging magma, can be very powerful. Still Elden Ring Magma Blade Finding it is often a tedious task, and this guide is here to guide players through the process.

Elden Ring: How to Obtain Magma Blade?

The first step to obtaining the sword is to gain access to the dungeon in Volcano Manor. While there are several ways to approach this quest, the simplest option is for players to work on Rya's questline in Elden Ring until they are teleported to the mansion. The players later Volcano Manor quest to start the series and earn the Drawing Room Key Tanith should talk to him. This key of Tanith It should be used to open the first door on the right in the corridor to the west, and hitting the wall right next to the corpse in the room will reveal the path to the dungeon.

Volcano Manor After entering the dungeon, players Eiglay Temple of GraceIt must progress until it reaches . Elden Ring'Right next to this Grace Site in Eiglay There is an elevator one must take to access the temple's balcony. From this balcony, players must jump onto the stone path below and follow this path until they reach an area with a large lava pool. There is a building on the west side of this pool and fans have to jump through the open window to get inside.

Elden Ring players are now Magma Blade must keep moving forward to encounter and kill a Man-Serpent using it. There is another enemy of this special type of enemy a little further in the building, and both of these enemies have a very low chance of dropping the sword. The process of obtaining the weapon is to send these two special Human-Serpents over and over again, and players, Magma Blade should expect to spend a significant amount of time training these enemies for

It should be noted that players Magma Blade It is recommended that they increase their exploration stat as much as possible before attempting to farm for them. Indeed, fans are more likely to get rare items if they have high exploration, and there are several options to increase stats. These options include increasing the stealth status in Elden Ring, Silver Scarab talisman and wielding the Silver Pickled Chicken Leg item, and fans should try to combine them all to maximize their luck in a Magma Sword.

Elden Ring: Magma Blade Stats and Requirements

For the sake of completeness, here are the offensive stats and requirements for a Magma Blade without any upgrades:


  • Physical: 96
  • Wastage: 62
  • Critical: 100


  • strength: D
  • Dexterity: D
  • faith: D


  • strength: 9
  • Dexterity: 15
  • faith: 16

And the attack stats of a fully upgraded Magma Blade with Somber Smithing Stones in Elden Ring:


  • Physical: 235
  • Wastage: 151
  • Critical: 100


  • strength: C
  • Dexterity: D
  • faith: C


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