Elden Ring: How to Defeat the Stormhill Golem

Elden Ring: How to Defeat the Stormhill Golem ; The Stormhill Golem is an optional foe in Elden Ring, but combat is a good test of how strong a build is early in the game.

Elden Ring's Early on, there are several bosses players can encounter, aimed at pushing them in another direction, encouraging exploration to make them stronger and then return. The Golem in Stormhill is one of these bosses, but defeating it at the early levels Tree Sentinel or It is much easier than Margit.

Stormhill Golem can be found in the rocky area to the left of the valley to Stormhill (the valley next to Gatefront Grace with the fallen Troll). It is motionless at first, but comes to life if you get too close – Elden Ring In the Network Test this boss started with half HP, but in the official release players have to take it on full force.

Elden Ring: How to Defeat the Stormhill Golem

Stormhill Golem's Moves and Weaknesses

in Stormhill golem, later Elden Ring'de Has a less solid move than Golems found , however, its attacks are similar to Giants' attacks from other FromSoftware games. He has a massive Halberd that can sweep almost an entire area of ​​rock, and his melee attacks can instantly knock a player out of Torrent if they don't get out of the way.

However, Stormhill Golem Cheese making is easy from afar for spellcasters and archers, and surprisingly easy in close combat. The golem moves slowly across the battlefield, slowly moving towards you, but has several ways to close the distance and can be flown reliably in its wide, flat arena.

Golem's Moveset

  • Long Range Halberd Sweep : The golem will bend his Halberd to one side and pull it back, and after a delay, he will launch a very long-range sweeping attack. Very high damage, but can be bypassed.
  • Stomp Combo : If the player is directly under the Golem, they will begin to repeatedly knock down and shatter their chalk. High damage can only be easily avoided by running backwards.
  • Long Range Halberd Slam : Similar to the Halberd scan, the Golem will raise his weapon and strike from a long distance. Very high damage and faster than sweep.
  • Fire Breath Area of ​​Effect: If the player stays under the Golem for too long, he will throw his head back and crawl backwards as he breathes a torrent of flame from his feet. High damage, but running backwards avoids flames.

Golem's Weaknesses

The Stormhill Golem is somewhat resistant to most forms of attack, but just like the Greek mythological hero Achilles, you only need to strike at the heel to completely trivialize this fight. When you deal enough damage to the heel area on both legs that is comfortably accentuated by the inner flames, the Golem will collapse and give you the opportunity for a Critical Hit to the chest.

The golem is made of solid material, so don't use snipers or piercing weapons on this stone-laden colossal statue. Blind weapons like Hammers and Maces shatter this hard hide and Elden It deals much more damage than Swords, Daggers, Spears, and other pokey weapons in the Ring.

Strategies to Defeat the Stormhill Golem

Whether you're an Archer, Incantation user, Mage or just a melee player, riding Torrent is the best way to take down the Stormhill Golem. He makes it that much easier to dodge his bulky sweeps and slams, and timing a slam attack on his heels when passing by is a surefire way to break his Stance incredibly quickly (especially with high STR weapons like Greatswords).

Spirit Summoning cannot be used for this fight, but there are other options. Other players, including the Stormhill area, when summoned with you Elden Ring's wide open world parts of it can explore, but Torrent is not allowed during multiplayer. If you need another player by your side, make sure you're prepared to dodge his crushing attacks and strike on his heels whenever possible.


Sorcerers and Ranged players are able to maintain a respectful distance on horseback and use Sorcery and arrows. then volley they have the easiest time with the Stormhill Golem since they can shoot. Magic users will have a harder time with this as their spells tend to work faster than arrows or Sorceries.

While Mages and Archers can stay out of hit range, Incantation users must run closer, cast a spell, and run away before being hit by one of the Golem's melee attacks.

Melee Strategies

Melee fighters should also stay in Torrent for this fight because it's much safer to get in, take a Heavy hit to the Golem's heel and run quickly rather than swoop around their feet. Watch out for the sweeping attack and jump over it and make sure you jump to the right or left of its vertical slam. Confuse the Golem and get a Critical Strike opportunity Aim for the heels.

One downside to using torrent is that if you fall victim to any of its attacks, you'll likely fall to the ground and be vulnerable to a chase. If you have to be on foot, you can do more damage by attacking each leg and never dodging, but you'll need to watch out for the short range AoE interception combination when it realizes you're directly below.


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