LoL Season 11 Meta Edit Viego Nerfs!!!

LoL Season 11 Meta Edit Viego Nerfs!!! Viego isn't just announcing its presence in the jungle of League of Legends. newly released Ruined Kingdominates the meta in three different roles (top, jungle, and middle) and Riot He wants to put an end to it.

viego absolutely LoLHe's not the most devastated champion at release. With this, Ruined Kingmade a huge impact in the Season 11 meta.

The most played – and powerful – in the game foresterbecame one of them. In Riot's eyes, this balance of power is good. However, it is also extremely strong in the upper and mid lane, which worries developers.

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Viego, League of Legends He performs well in not just one, but three roles.
Take advantage of the local knowledge by visiting our viego , has a 3,84% win rate in the middle lane with a 50,81% pick rate, according to statistics site This compares to a 49,22% win rate and an 8,97% pick rate in the jungle. As players play him more often in his intended role, he sees more success in the lane.

League developer August 'August' Browning said odds aren't a huge cause for concern yet, but Riot is "keeping an eye on the Viego lane and will adjust if needed."

on February 10 Reddit“Currently, Viego mid has a 1-1.5% higher win rate than jungle, but that (by itself) doesn't mean jungle is bad or lane is OP.”

“We are keeping an eye on the road Viego and will adjust if necessary. First we want him to be a viable jungler, but hopefully we can let him stay in the lane as there are a lot of players out there who like him. ”

Riot, viego If he touches again, League patch 11.2 nerfs will follow and minion they would continue to touch the elongation. This will allow Viego players in the gate to be punished without causing too much damage to the junglers.

It's coming as the community pushes Riot to look at Viego's passive-over-possession mechanism. Players claim that this is "almost relevant" and is only used to achieve ultimate resets. August rebutted his concerns, however.

“If it's true that Viego uses possession-only for ult reset, and using inherited champions is a trap, that would be an issue I'll consider solving in the future. But from what I've seen from him, I'm not sure that's true,” he said.