Tower of Fantasy: Where to Find Laver

Tower of Fantasy: Where to Find Laver ; Players working on the Foodie Girl quest of Tower of Fantasy can learn how to get five laver from the beach for Patty in this guide.

Foodie Girl 1 is a side quest in Tower of Fantasy that tells players to choose five lavers from the beach for Patty. While this instruction may lead some fans to believe that they should look for the desired items on the beach Patty is standing on, this is actually not the case. Instead, players will need to take a short hike if they're hoping to find laver in Tower of Fantasy, and this guide is here to point them in the right direction.

Tower of Fantasy: Where to Find Laver

In pursuit of Laver, Tower of Fantasy players should turn their attention to the beach south of Signal Station Ruins. For complete clarity, this beach is about 600m northwest of Patty's location and following the coastline is the easiest way to reach it. Fans can find a map highlighting the exact location of the beach below if that would make completing Foodie Girl 1 super easy.

Upon arriving at the beach south of the Signal Station Ruins, players must start looking for purple plants in the sand. These are the laver and gacha game fans Patty is interested in, so it shouldn't take long for fans to pick the five they need. Once this is done, players can forward it to the Banges Dock and talk to the quest giver to solve Foodie Girl 1 and earn a recipe for the seafood soup.

That's not the end of a fan's interactions with Patty, though, as she will now ask them to pick eight scallops from the beach. This time, the beach referred to in the quest description is where the NPC is located, and players must find lots of clams scattered around. Fans of free-to-play MMORGs who return these combos to Patty will receive the third and final installment of the Foodie Girl questline, along with some EXP for their hard work.

Regarding the details of this final episode, Tower of Fantasy characters must now collect a portonid by killing crabs that appear on Patty's beach. Players must then give this item to the NPC to complete the quest and receive their rewards: three Matrix Data Pack II and two Jetboard Shards. While these aren't the most exciting prizes, some fans will be happy to win them without too much effort.