Valheim Plains Survival Guide

valheim Lowland Survival Guide ;In its current state of development, Valheim's most dangerous biome is populated with viscous creatures and swarms of wild lox This one biomeStop.

Surviving in the Plains biome in Valheim is part preparation and part luck. There are wild traces of Lox, the Fulings and their shamans and madmen, and the dreaded Deathsquito.

Valheim Plains Survival Guide

Armor for the Plains

Players who consider how dangerous a trip to the plains can be, want to be as prepared as possible. Whether or not players have yet to defeat the Valheim boss Moder, they must have the fully upgraded Wolf Armor set, including the Drake helmet, any cloak, Wolf Armor Chest, and Wolf Armor Legs. At level 4, these items will give players 82 armor levels, giving them the best possible advantage over their new enemies.

Valheim Plains Survival Guide


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Know the Enemy

There are several aggressive NPCs on the Plain that players will encounter. These:

  • fulings – Basic goblins drop both Blackmetal and Valheim coins. Players can also get Deathsquito needles, barley, and more coins from chests located near Fuling villages.
  • Fuling Shamans – Goblin magic users, these dangerous enemies can not only throw fireballs at players, but also create shields around them and other Fulings nearby.
  • Fuling Berserker – Huge, monster-like Fulings that hit hard but move slowly and have predictable attack patterns.
    Lox – The giant, buffalo-like Lox can be tamed in Valheim, but wild lox such as wild boars and wolves will attack when a player gets too close and scares them off. They have an enormous amount of health and can deal a lot of damage to players.
  • deathsquito – The dreaded Deathsquito is one of the most dangerous enemies in the Plains. Not because it has a lot of life, but these flying insects can one-shot to unwary players. Players should watch out for any sign of these men's humming voices and keep their ears open; If a player is prepared, their attack can be easily blocked with a silver shield. After hitting a player, Deathsquito hesitates before flying off and surrounding the player. Do not miss this opportunity; they only have 10 HP.
  • Killing Deathsquitowill give players needles that can be turned into the best of all Valheim's arrows with the help of feathers. Collect as many of them as you can; it will also be used later for the Porcupine weapon. Once players have a few of these arrows, they can start to mine a Fuling or two by collecting their Blackmetal. Once players have a good Blackmetal shield, the next step is to land lox for their meat; This can be cooked to make a better meal than what's available in the game.

Avoid Fuling towns until players are comfortable killing Fuling packs; then don't forget to pick as many arrows as possible before approaching the city. Watch out for ranged attacks from Fulings with spears and Shamans with fireballs. When adventuring near a camp, players should activate Bonemass's damage reduction power to have the best chance of surviving whatever happens next.

Things To Consider

Players should make sure to collect plenty of Cloudberries while in Plains; They can be used to tame lox, but they are also used in lox meat pies, one of the best food items in the game. Also, players should pay attention to the Fuling-guarded camps with flax and barley fields; players will need to start making both the next set of armor and the next level of cooking.