Lost Ark: Luterra Castle Mokoko Seed Locations

Lost Ark: Luterra Castle Mokoko Seed Locations; There are 10 Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark Luterra Castle, some of which are hidden in secret passages, and this article will help fans find them all.

Luterra Castle is a relatively large site in Lost Ark and is home to a cathedral, a palace, two arenas and more. The size and complexity of this area makes finding Mokoko Seeds somewhat difficult, and players looking to collect them all will even need to uncover a few hidden paths. This guide is here to aid in that effort, and fans, Lost Ark Luterra Castle Mokoko Seeds You will find details about

Before entering the locations of these Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds, it's worth noting that players may not be able to see the collectibles in the locations described below. Indeed, a number of Luterra Castle Seeds are completely obscured by various environmental elements. While players will be no strangers to this phenomenon once they reach Fort Luterra, it definitely makes these Seeds more difficult to find.

Lost Ark: Luterra Castle Mokoko Seed Locations

  • 1,2,3:  There is a gate at the green dot in Luterra Palace and Lost Ark players must pass through this door. Fans must then wander through the dark to collect three Mokoko Seeds.
  • 4,5:  Head down the path between the rows at Kadan Cathedral and turn left just before the stairs. Head all the way to the end of the rug and then work your way down to pass through a false wall. Wander through the dark to collect two Mokoko Seeds.
  • 6: This Mokoko Seed is just above a table with a big umbrella, and indeed that umbrella is hiding the Seed.
  • 7: Look for the seventh Mokoko Seed in the middle of the grain sacks at the food stand.
  • 8: MMORPG fans will find this Mokoko Seed next to the fence that runs along the lower part of the road, hidden by a rectangular inlay of stone.
  • 9: There is a crowd gathered in a sitting area at this location and Mokoko Seed is near the front row.
  • 10:  Go down the stairs at the blue point and follow the path to the end. The last Mokoko Seed is hidden in the upper right corner.

After collecting Luterra Castle Mokoko Seeds, fans may want to go to Mokoko Village and buy from Totoma. This is the Lost Ark, however. character It will be possible if he has already stocked some of that currency, but 10 is not enough to buy anything from that seller. Fortunately, there are a ton of Seeds scattered throughout Arkesia, and fans who are diligent in their search should stock up on them pretty quickly.


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