
What is a Valorant Battle Pass – How to Earn?

What is a Valorant Battle Pass – How to Earn? ; How much is the Valorant Battle Pass? Valorant Battle Pass, rewards players with free and quality cosmetic items. In this article we will explain how it all works…

What does the live service game need? Of course a Valorant Battle Pass ! The latest in Valorant takes the famous reward route with plenty of costume items to equip your weapons.

Just Valorant Battle Pass Buying and understanding how it works can be a confusing experience. To help you out, we've put together a guide to walk you through everything you need to know.

What is a Valorant Battle Pass – How to Earn?

Valorant Battle Pass – Contracts revealed

Valorant Battle Pass It revolves around gaining EXP, completing Contracts, and earning sweet, sweet cosmetic rewards while doing it.

key points

Here are the key elements:

  • All XP you earn in Valorant goes to your Battle Pass as well as your Agent contracts.
  • Valorant Battle Pass Even if you don't buy the Premium version of , you will still earn some free rewards as you play, earn XP and level up the free version.
  • If you buy the Premium version of the Battle Pass, you'll get more cosmetic rewards and that's it. No gameplay advantage.
  • Premium Battle Pass If you decide to purchase, you will receive retroactively all the rewards you would otherwise have won.

How much is the Valorant Battle Pass?

Distinguished Valorant Battle Pass1.000 Valorant You can buy it for points. 1.000 Valorant Points approximately 50 TLIt corresponds to . Note: Valorant Battle Pass you will only be able to get more rewards when you buy the premium version

How can I purchase the Battle Pass?

  • First, look at the top right of the home screen and click on the little “V” button next to the “Social” tab.

Premium Battle Pass This is where you can buy the Valorant Points (VPs) needed to get it. Scroll down and check the “I approve” box, then select the 1.100 VP option.

After paying, look at the top left of the home screen and select the “Ignition: Move 1” button. The one with the little star in the middle.

Finally, look towards the bottom right of the screen and click the green box to upgrade to the Premium Battle Pass.

How to Use the Battle Pass?

Valorant Battle Pass has 50 tiers and as you gain XP you'll get weapon skins, sprays, Radianite Points (increases the appearance of certain skins), Title Cards, Titles, and Brothers in Arms.

Valorant's first Battle Passis Law 1 of Chapter 1. Every 2 months, a new Law will begin and a new Valorant Battle Pass will be presented.

Think of episodes as major updates, heavy patches that will bring serious changes to Valorant. Each Episode will likely contain three Acts (Battle Passes) or more.

Here Valorant Battle Pass It is divided into 10 Chapters, each of which contains 5 Premium stages and gives a free Chapter completion reward when unlocked. A Chapter is completed when all 5 Premium levels are unlocked with XP. Completing one will earn you Free Chapter Completion Rewards and advance to the next Chapter.

One of the biggest rewards for the Premium Pass is the Kingdom Melee Knife, and there's also a Kingdom Classic pistol available for both free and premium players.

Riot plans to release more Battle Passes with different themes and rewards after launch. When a Battle Pass expires, progress is locked and cannot be restored. So if you want everything, you're going to have to split the hours.

What do Radianite Points do?

Radianite Points give you ways to improve certain weapon skins. So, you're going to unlock a skin and then basically invest RP to make it look cooler. They will get new visual effects, sounds, animations, unique finishers and variants.

The Battle Pass will be the main way to earn RP, but you can buy more from the in-game store.

What are contracts?

These are “reward pieces” that reward you with cosmetic items by playing games and earning EXP. There are two types of Agreements: Agent specific and Battle Pass.

Agent-specific contracts allow you to work towards unlocking a specific agent, or if you already own them, you'll earn cosmetic rewards for them. For example, if you want to unlock some Sage cosmetics, you will activate his contract, play games, gain EXP and gradually start earning Sage items. For example, if you are not the owner of Omen, you will activate his contract, gain EXP and unlock it after completing his contract.

You will not have immediate access to the Agent-specific Agreement. First, you'll need to complete what Riot calls the "onboarding pass," which is fancy talk for beginners, consisting of 10 core tiers. If you play the game on a semi-regular basis, you'll get this done pretty quickly, and as you progress through the game, you'll unlock the two agents of your choice.

After completing the “Onboarding pass” you will unlock the ability to activate Agent-specific Agreements.

From experience, these Agent contracts take quite a long time to complete. If you're a casual player who enters a match or two at most two days a week, expect a long, long grind to unlock an Agent.

The Battle Pass Contract will always be active, so all games played, all EXP earned, basically everything you do will be fed into this reward path.


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