LoL Wild Rift – Damage and Stamina of Characters ;After the release of the mobile version of League of Legends, many users downloaded and experienced the game. You can find all the information about the character traits and damage rates of the game, which received full marks from most of the players, and the endurance rates of the characters in the continuation of the article. You can read the information whether your device supports the game or not in the continuation of the article.

Wild Rift is a fun game designed as an app with the same skill system as LoL PC and integrated as a mobile control. Like many other mobile MOBA games, this one you can control with the keys on the left side of the device's screen to move your character and on the right side to aim your skills.

Adjusted many champion skills to be easier to control on touchscreens. All champion skills now have an active component, move-and-click abilities have all been converted to make the skill easier to use to better match the new control scheme. These changes make the game more accessible for mobile and console gamers, but still allow high skill for competitive play.

Auto-attacks and certain skills feature a new auto-targeting system for both creeps and champions. There are two extra auto-attack buttons that aim at towers or minions for added control. It's also much easier to determine your shooting range with a color indicator that shows you how far you can hit the most.

Items also have some updates, although they usually take on the same role as PC LoL. Each player can only buy one enchantment, so Zhonyas stasis, QSS, Redemption improvements, etc. Be careful when choosing between.

Forest and support items have also been removed. As a whole, Wild Rift gameplay has also been sped up to accommodate mobile gaming. Instead of the 25-50 minute matches found on LoL PC, Wild Rift will have 15-18 minute matches. It is possible to further reduce this in different game modes.

LoL Wild Rift – Damage and Stamina of Characters

League of Legends: Wild Rift Map

The Wild Rift map is similar to the PC LoL map with a few key changes. The biggest change is that the map is mirrored, so your base is always at the bottom left. The top and bottom lanes have been renamed to match the solo and double lanes. This change ensures that no matter what team you're on, your fingers will never cover important parts of the screen.

The jungle layout has also been tweaked and tweaked for faster gameplay. The buffs by fighting jungle creatures have also been changed to have a more active effect. The power effect is increased by 3 times when the ancient dragon is defeated towards the end of the game.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Which Champions Are Available?

Currently there are more than 50 champions in the Wild Rift game. These include most classic champions like Annie, Malphite, and Nasus, as well as newer champions like Seraphine, Yasuo, and Camille. Each champion has been completely redesigned and rebuilt from the ground up, so not all current skins will be like they were on PC.

It looks like no more than 150 LoL Champions will be brought into the Wild Rift. The full list of Wild Rift champions is below.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Characters Damage and Stamina

League of Legends: Wild Rift characters' characteristics and skills, as well as damage and durability information are as follows.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Assassin Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Akali (Masterless Assassin) Moving in Berlin Low
Evelynn (Embrace of Torment) Medium Medium
Zed (Lord of Shadows) Moving in Berlin Low

League of Legends: Wild Rift Assassin – Sorcerer Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Ahri (Nine Tailed Fox) Moving in Berlin Low
Fizz (Helmsman of the Waves) Moving in Berlin Low

League of Legends: Wild Rift Assassin – Fighting Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Fiora (Grand Duelist) Moving in Berlin Medium
Lee Sin (Blind Monk) Moving in Berlin Medium
Master Yi (Wuju Master) Moving in Berlin Low
Yasuo (The Sinful Sword) Moving in Berlin Low

League of Legends: Wild Rift Assassin – Shooter Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Kai'sa (Daughter of the Void) Moving in Berlin Low
Vayne (Night Hunter) Moving in Berlin Low

League of Legends: Wild Rift Fighting Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Camille (Steel Shadow) Moving in Berlin Medium
Darius (Hand of Noxus) Moving in Berlin Medium
Jax (Weapon Master) Moving in Berlin Medium
Olaf (Rogue) Moving in Berlin Medium
Tryndamere (Barbarian King) Moving in Berlin Medium
Vi (Piltover Bouncer) Medium Medium

League of Legends: Wild Rift Fighter – Tank Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Dr. Mundo (Mad of Zaun) Medium Moving in Berlin
Garen (Might of Demacia) Medium Moving in Berlin
Jarvan IV (Token of Demacia) Medium Medium
Nasus (Lord of the Sands) Medium Moving in Berlin
Shyvana (Dragon Blood) Moving in Berlin Medium
Xin Zhao (Servant of Demacia) Medium Medium
Wukong (Monkey King) Moving in Berlin Medium

League of Legends: Wild Rift Fighter – Shooter Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Graves (Outlaw) Moving in Berlin Medium

League of Legends: Wild Rift Sorcerer Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Ziggs (Do Not Conjure Specialist) Moving in Berlin Low
Aurelion Sol (Master of the Stars) Moving in Berlin Low

League of Legends: Wild Rift Mage – Support Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Annie (Devil's Hammer) Moving in Berlin Low
Janna (Ray of the Storm) Low Low
Lulu (Fairy Wizard) Medium Low
Lux (Lady of Light) Moving in Berlin Low
Nami (The Wavecaller) Medium Low
Orianna (Mechanical Girl) Medium Low
Seraphine (Rising Star) Moving in Berlin Low
Sona (Musical Genius) Medium Low
Soraka (Star Child) Low Low

League of Legends: Wild Rift Mage – Shooter Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Ezreal (Genius Explorer) Moving in Berlin Low
Jhin (Virtuoso) Moving in Berlin Low
Kennen (Heart of the Storm) Moving in Berlin Low
Miss Fortune (Bounty Hunter) Moving in Berlin Low
Teemo (Agile Scout) Moving in Berlin Low
Twisted Fate (Card Master) Moving in Berlin Low
Varus (Arrow of Revenge) Moving in Berlin Low

League of Legends: Wild Rift Mage – Tank Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Gragas (Fighting Drunk) Medium Moving in Berlin
Singed (Mad Alchemist) Medium Moving in Berlin

League of Legends: Wild Rift Shooter – Support Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Ashe (Frosty Archer) Moving in Berlin Low

League of Legends: Wild Rift Shooter Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Corki (Daring Bomber) Moving in Berlin Low
Draven (Majestic Executioner) Moving in Berlin Low
Jinx (Bullshit) Moving in Berlin Low
Tristana (Yaman Artillery) Moving in Berlin Low

League of Legends: Wild Rift Tank – Support Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Alistar (Minotaur) Low Moving in Berlin
Blitzcrank (Great Steam Golem) Low Medium
Braum (Heart of the Freljord) Low Medium

League of Legends: Wild Rift Tank Characters

Characters Damage Resilience
Amumu (Sad Mummy) Medium Moving in Berlin
Malphite (The Piece Broken from Yektaş) Low Moving in Berlin

On Which Phones Can You Play League of Legends Wild Rift?

Minimum system values ​​for Android: 1 GB RAM, Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 processor, on devices above Adreno 306 GPU

For iOS, it works on iPhone 5 and above devices.


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Read More : LoL Wild Rift 2.1 Patch Notes and Updates