Brawl Stars

Stu Brawl Stars Features New Heartbreak Character 2021

Brawl Stars Stu

In this writing Stu Brawl Stars Features New Heartbreak Character 2021 We'll look into it, Stu joins Brawl Stars, the New Hearth Trail Character. ;StuFires two flames for her main attack, and her Super is a brief breakthrough that knocks back any enemies in her path and burns them if they enter the Super's flame path.

in our content Stu Star powers,Accessories ,Costumes ,Features We will provide information about

StuNis actually playedTips What are we will talk about them.

Here is all the details Stu character Brawl Stars review ...

Stu Brawl Stars Features New Heartbreak Character 2021

"Stu, an outstanding stunt driver with gasoline in his veins! He's making a grand entrance, leaving serious tire marks all over the stage."

Stu, a Trophy Path reward unlocked when you reach 10.000 Trophies Common Trophy Path Character. Stu has moderate health and damage, but incredibly fast With a Supercharge rate, it gives it huge destructive potential. She fires two flames for her main attack, and her Super is a brief breakthrough that knocks back any enemies in her path and burns them if they enter the Super's flame path.

Attack:Razzle Dazzle (Dazzling) ;

Stu fires two pretty impressive pyrotechnic shots. 
Stu launches two pyrotechnic fireworks in a straight line. He only needs one hit to recharge his Super.

Super: Nitro Boost (Nitro supplement);

Hitting an opponent with the Razzle Dazzle charges Stu's Nitro Boost; this gets competitors out of the way. It leaves a trail of burning rubber on the ground that will set on fire any enemies that touch it. 
Stu, MortisSimilar to , dashes forward and knocks back all enemies in Stu's path. It also leaves flames on the ground that set enemies on fire for 3 seconds. Damaging enemies with fire won't charge your Super, and Stu can't use his Super to charge over water.

Stu Star Power

1.Star Power : Zero Drag (Zero Drag) ;

Stu's Nitro Boost Super dash distance increased by 71% 
Stu's Super dash distance increased from 2 tiles to 3.67 tiles. This also expands the range of flames Stu leaves behind after dashing.

2.Star Power :give gas (Gaso-Heal)

Casting Nitro Boost Super restores Stu's 500 health. 
Each time Stu uses his Super, he heals for 500 health.


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Stu Accessory

1.Accessory: Speed ​​Zone (speedzone) ;

While in the area of ​​effect, Stu drops a buff that moves himself, allies, and other allies faster. 
When activated, Stu drops a tower with 7 health within a radius of 1000 squares around him, increasing the movement speed of Stu and his allies. This does not stack with other speed boost abilities and does not increase spawnability.

Stu Costumes

Stu Features

Level Health
1 3200
2 3360
3 3520
4 3680
5 3840
6 4000
7 4160
8 4320
9-10 4480

Stu Tips

  • Stu, the only assassin with normal movement speed He can easily escape with his Super in dangerous situations, as he charges his Super with one hit in return for being in danger.
  • If you fire an attack and then quickly Super dash when the first flame hits, you can get your Super twice from one attack as long as the second flame hits an enemy.War BallStu can use his Super to throw the ball from the opposing enemy's hand, making it very useful for quickly scoring points or preventing opponents from scoring.
  • If you're trying to deal burn damage to enemies, try hitting them while they're close to you, as hitting them from the farthest point of your Super attack will knock them out of your flames.
  • Stu must keep the Speed ​​Zone Gadget behind the wall as he will be protected from enemy attacks while supporting his teammates. He can also use it to block his enemies' shots.
  • Stu is very good at dodging enemy fire, because his Super can be used by people with very fast reflexes to use his Super repeatedly (explosion) to dodge and change direction quickly.
  • to Stu Mortis don't pretend to be, both can be easily thrown away. His superpower is much easier to obtain, but he doesn't have the high blast that Mortis does. He also can't heal as effectively as Mortis can.
  • Automatically targets Stu's Super while aiming in the direction he's facing. This is useful for escaping and Shellyof or Max'Similar to the mechanics of the in device.
  • Do not use Stu with a soft or ranged player. e.g. Piper. This is because Stu doesn't have the reload speed to take down those close to mid-range players.

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